
rant on writing

Hello there mate! Ahh... It feels good to see a new template on this old blog. It's like a new haircut - fresh but totally useless if there's no proper maintenance. BV agad?

On a serious note, I've been pondering what to write these days. Oh boy, if I'm that lost on what to write then, damn, that says something huh? I think it's more of how I can get my act together and start writing again, and enjoy writing again, for that matter. My first attempt into blogging was way back 2004, second-year of college and the world was my oyster. I felt like a bubbling pearl so it was easy for me to just write without thought. And to be honest, I miss it. I miss blabbing with no regard. But nowadays I would like to write something substantive. Haha why so serious? I dunno, just something solid yet still fun and creative.

Since that first blog, I have created a gazillion more blogs from all blog platforms imaginable - wordpress, tumblr, weebly, and multiply (I know). I even have four unattended ones on blogspot alone. It's a sickness, really. Somehow nothing stuck except for this blog. And so I shall try one more time. And with that try, it means experience, doing, and writing more. More!

Non-fiction is the kind of writing I enjoy. Basically I want my personal life to be the meat. Okay, not my personal life but personal experience. I would like that to be the foundation. And from there stems reflection. I admire Jessica Zafra, David Sedaris, Anthony Bourdain, Ruth Reichl, and Joan Didion. All of them have a solid writing voice executed through non-fiction. That's the kind of writing I want to read and write. From a down-to-earth perspective, I enjoy reading the blogs of Chelsea Fagan and Jessica Schiffer. Again they write through a personal voice but with a thoughtful, relevant perspective. Cristina Sciarra also caught my eye with her words. She's a food writer who has such a cozy way of telling stories. These are just some of my writing heroes. I would like to work on my voice, and I know I've got a loooong way to go.

I recently purchased Will Write For Food, an instructional book on the ins and outs of food writing. I've been waiting for one solid vacation from work just so I can finally peruse this gem. At the moment, I feel like climbing Mt. Everest. But I gotta start somewhere right?

1 comment:

  1. push mo yan. so you can get VIP treatment at hotels. :p
