
starting the week right

Believe it or not, the delays you are experiencing while running up against obstacles are actually quite valuable. The additional time you have prior to attaining your goal allows you time to refine, finesse, and sophisticate whatever you are about to offer the world. Use it. Don't waste it. (TSLL)

I had coffee with a dear friend today. I actually initiated it because I needed an objective ear. I'm glad I asked for help. Sometimes I get too caught up with just doing my thing I forget I have great friends around me who can lend an ear or two. It just feels great to be understood. It feels great not be trivialized. And with that I'd like to list a few cliche reminders that I need to keep in mind every single day.

(1) Stop overthinking stuff. It's a mood killer. It's self sabotage. Stop. Just stuff, I mean stop. (I can't help myself lol). If you find yourself overthinking, play QuizUp.
(2) Continue being honest with yourself. Even if you hate Boy Abunda's imaginary mirror, it's good to be self-aware and keep checking if this is really something that you truly feel/want/care in your heart of hearts. No bullshitting, no pleasing others. 
(3) In light of the previous point, be compassionate to yourself. Treat yourself like a friend. The self-inflicted "verbal abuse" is not helpful at all. Imagine yourself as your friend, half of the negative things you say to yourself, you would never say to your friend. 
(4) Take-up space. Let your presence be known. Speak-up. Everyone thinks the world revolves around them. If you can't beat them, joiners! Being too careful, too self-conscious is no fun. 
(5) Fail better. Emphasis on better.
(6) Let go of the small things. But first, identify what you consider "small." I swear it's important. 
(7) The only opinion that matters is that of your family, friends, and people who actually know a thing or two about what you're going through. And whatever it is, you don't need approval from anyone. Know yourself enough to decide for yourself. 
(8) Spend more time with friends. You know it makes you really happy.
(9) Just write. Write anything. Anything at all. It doesn't matter. Just get into the habit of writing.

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